What you read and understand about a band and what you experience while doing business with a Band are as important if not more important than the stuff we musicians do on stage.
2 people who have been our friends well before we knew how to hold our instruments (both private and public ) are Bijoy Venugopal and PG Santhosh.
Bijoy has been the voice of TAAQ on all versions of our web site and if not for him we would come across as a very very different band today. Even though the writers strike did affect TAAQ over the past few months (as you might have noticed by the screaming silence on our website) it was worth the wait. TAAQ would never be what it is today without Copy as written by Bijoy. The pictures he painted of us with his magical words drove so many people from various continents to this band – Thanks Bijoy. On this version of our web site and on every other past version, you have truly made us feel special.
And PG Santhosh, we would never have the bank balance to have all the fun we are having today without the support of this person. Its difficult dealing any business/work between friends, and when it’s something that we all are so passionate about, it gets infinitely more painful and heart wrenching. PG man has had the toughest job trying to balance this crazy game of selling us but yet not selling us out. It’s the worst position for any sales and marketing person to be in. Thanks PG for all the help.
Both these guys now have their own real Babies to nurture and protect and love and enjoy. (And someday enlist into TAAQ as Roadies
While TAAQ does feels like the older baby suddenly having to grow up on its own, the early days of any band are always the best remembered ones and these 2 guys were the real driving force behind TAAQ’s first 11 years. Thanks bros and im sure there is a lot more to come once the babies can take care of their own shit
And now that i have finished my grammy speech, ill shutterclose before it gets more senty and then ill have to get belted by you’ll when we meet up next.
But i just had to do this now.
PG and Sumi (cant find solo pic anymore)
Lots of love,