Awesome gig awesome gig awesome gig. Got lost, ate some “illegal” burger, life’s good!
Awesome gig awesome gig awesome gig. Got lost, ate some “illegal” burger, life’s good!
TAAQ landed safely and are currently in good spirits, or so I hear! They are “Freezing their b***s off,” I hear. Common, it’s the summer!- anyways, case closed, they don’t want to believe!
Bruce is down with a sniffle. A drink or two should set him straight, but errrrmmmm, its Meeestah Bruze. The last time, it took him some coaxing!
This evening Mr. San Pats and me went on a Poster-athon. The idea is stiff competition with people who have careers as “poster posters,” well, atleast thats the designated job title, anyways, started with our good ol can’o Tennents. I am quite sure will get some folk hooked on this beer! Anyways, one beer, some shambo and roti, badanekayee curry, the final result – About 60 posters covered in two hours, and a mile and something on foot!
P.S: WElcome to Guzuru’s blurb, and I can talk for aeons!
Thats right folks, Thermal And A Quarter is on tour of Scotland and England as of 14:03 GMT. Welcome folks!
The dates as of now:
24th May 2006 – The Barfly Glasgow, along with The Fallout Trust and Futuro
25th May 2006 – The 13th Note Cafe, Glasgow
05th June 2006 – The Hold at The Admiral Bar, Glasgow
09th June 2006 – The Sketch at The Govan Festival, Glasgow
10th June 2006 – Doctors Tonic, Welwyn Garden City, Herts, London
14th June 2006 - Nice n Sleazies, Glasgow along with His Girl Friday, Codeen and Kingston
Ten years ago, there was no direct flight from Bangalore to London. I’m not even sure if there was a direct flight to Colombo. I’m pretty sure there wasn’t. We were second-rate citizens then, you see. Our not-yet-metro Bengaluru was still bickering over auto-rickshaw fares. Today, we are debating whether or not to have a Bangalore Metro, a la the Tube in London.
But the fact is – the boys flew out from Bangalore this morning. They were up all night, packing, fretting, too excited to sleep. They ganged up at Rajeev’s place, bags and baggage and hard-cased guitars included. Mr. David Pascall flew in from Chennai. With the visas. And the other David (not Rzhude, but Dave Brubeckku, Rajeev’s kitten) found lots of interesting odds and ends to play with.
And this morning GMT, they will arrive in London. And on they go to Glasgow, where they will make the gig at the Barfly just in time.
Watch this space, and our space at MySpace for gig schedules.
IT JUST DID!!!!!! We’re off boys and girls! We’ll be sure to send you a postcard!
Thank you everything and everybody for all of whatever you’ve done.
Tomorrow. Tomorrow we shall know. I think. I hope.
For those of you who can’t stand the suspense (and are completely useless code breakers to boot) go to And don’t tell EVERYBODY and their uncles and aunties just yet. Wait till the day after tomorrow.
Walk in, and you can smell the sweat of the bovinely patient folk waiting to get things done. You’ll see the resigned, bored faces, the slouched shoulders and the wide, glazed eyes. You’ll somehow feel that gravity is pulling her apron strings a little tighter here, while little stick figures of men cling on by their fingernails. All this sounds like one of Dante’s hells, but no, we’re just in… a government office!
See here, the dark chairs, seats shined by the bottom-shuffling of countless babus whose only function it seems, is to keep the wood warm. See here, the old tired fans that spin at a leisurely, almost languid pace, serving only to stir the fetid air. See here, the unreasonable scowls that mark hyper-official faces, hard-boned fingers clutched around company-issue ballpoints, ready to scratch unfavourable remarks on hastily-scrawled letters, make little arcane signs that only the babu on desk #41 can read. Once read, of course, another indecipherable squiggle will take you to desk #23.
And you wonder, if you were on the other side, would it really be something, when all you do every day is be responsible for moving a vast sea of paper from one desk to another, one godrej cupboard to another….
All this of course, is still connected to the big news that’s coming. Can you stand the suspense?
here’s a clue: utterly knowledgeable, The terrible atavistic alderman questioned The two obliging urbanites rigorously. Simple!
Yes, yes, there has been the long silence. But of course, we are all busy and all tied up with various things and the rest of the usual excuses, including excessive soporific heat, binging on ice cream, the price of booze in begumpet, the altered mating habits of the blue-throated Madagascar warbler and so forth.
Ta daaaah! Here we are again. Or at least, here I am again.
Poor old Annavaru. Just after we heard ‘eef you come today’ too. That was quite a strange couple of days.
Anyway. We played a really cool stadium gig recently, at this Acharya college place way out in the Hesarghatta boondocks. And when I say stadium, I mean stadium. The venue was HUGE, and there was this typical hangar-style stage in the middle of it. Must have been 2 or 3 thousand kids there, and perhaps about three of them had heard our music before. Which is great. It’s really cool to get a ‘fresh’ audience every once in a while.
Was a short gig – just 40 minutes – and we did all our new material, premiering three brand new TAAQ songs, Tell It Like It Is, Chameleon, and 1996. The latter has been around for a while, but we’ve been chicken to play it live – you know, those lingering doubts about whether a song is ‘ready’ yet. Needless to say, it was the one that rocked the most here. Fun gig. Sound was a bit strange. (I go up to the sound guy and say, hey, you know the whole PA is just a bit too harsh, right? Way too much highs? And he looks at me and says ‘eh? I think it’s too muffled, we need more highs’. That was a success – you’ve been going too long without earplugs bro.)
In other news, we’re back on the blogs! Oh, I already said that.
Anyway. We played a really cool stadium gig recently… Erk. I’ve said that too.
Ok, I’ll just sign off for now and really collect my thoughts.
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