Got in last night – minus one Gibson guitar. Jet Airways managed to lose it in between Chennai and here… they finally tracked it down and sent it home the same night – so some kudos there. Full story coming soon, with pics etc.
Rejoice, is malware-free!
Most of you already know this, but for the last couple of days, was under the influenza of some evil bug. Google et al had identified as a malware site and flashed the message ‘This site could harm your computer’. But we’ve sorted the mess out and we are happy to say that has gone native again… all is well! So, come ye and flock here.
On Facebook, One Small Love Epidemic
Draw the line, spread the love
It started some time this afternoon. A little yellow smiley face started making an appearance on Facebook. Along with that, a status message: ‘One small love is all it takes… in a tired world’.
The last time we checked, the love virus had spread like a happy yellow rash.
If you know anybody on Facebook who has changed his/ her profile picture to the One Small Love smiley face, get the the image from them and change your profile pic, too. And don’t forget to change your status message to: ‘One Small Love is all it takes… in a tired world’.
Spread the love. Draw the line. Watch this space.
Between the Rock and the Hard Place…
Before you start getting any clever ideas after reading that nifty headline up there, this is about our recent gig at the Hard Rock Café, Bengalooru.
Of course, we couldn’t let anyone know about the gig (really let ’em know) because we might’ve been busted. Bangalore denizens are of course aware of our wonderfully evolved government – stuck firmly, ostrich-style, in the dark ages… you know, those times with random acts of senseless violence against women, curfew, feudal overlords, and guys wearing metal underpants (jetties!) caroming off to slay non-believers. Hmmm, now why does that sound so familiar?? Gawrsh. But to think – they actually had live music and dancing in places that served hooch back then! Now that’s evolved.
Anyway – back to the gig. Hush-hush as it was, quite a few TAAQies did show up – thanks, people! For braving the traffic, thumbing your nose to the MP (moral police), and for singing along.
The Hard Rock Café here is at a great address – 1, MG Road (hotly contested by the Police Station across the street, which also calls itself 1, MG Road – glad our TAAQies found the right one!). Stage-wise, it’s the same as Mumbai, with the musicians playing on a high platform above the bar. Local hitch – no lights! Seriously, these guys didn’t have lights for the band. Talk about the dark ages. Our super-roadies actually had to scram off to get some small halogens from somewhere for the second half of the gig.
Played a bunch of new material – Rajeev’s Sold and Ordinary Affair (lyrics here), the fresh-off-the-hotplate One Small Love, Surrender, our little blues Grab Me (lyrics – see footnote) and more. All this seems to be going down rather well with our regulars – and the newbies – so I guess we’re doing something right.
Wrapped up punctually at 2300 hours. Ate a bunch of American Hard Rock cuisine (read tasty cholesterol bombs), drank some Hard Rock beer and gawked at Eric Clapton’s Strat, Elton John’s, er, Jammies, Paul McCartney’s picks and Madonna’s pointy underthings.
Back to the hard place now…
Footnote (as promised above):
New Songs
Here’s some brand-new TAAQ stuff. Live testing in progress… Welcome all ye lab rats! Leave yer footprints behind, please.
One Small Love
One small breath
One small word
One small man
One small space
Can be everything
In a tired worldOne small glimpse
One small truth
One small cry
One small change
The leaves they turn
And slowly I learnIt’s such a big deal
Oh a pretty balloon
Blow it up make the steal
We’re all in
We’re all in
And there’s no getting outI’m such a big man
Take a look at my shadow
I’ll make my last stand
It’s all right
It’s all rightCause suddenly I know
HowOne small time
One small kindness
One small light
One small darkness
Can be everything
In a tired worldWe made a big splash
But the well ran dry
We smoked the big cash
Light it up
Light it up
At least we didn’t lieAnd it’s
One small breath
One small word
One small step
One small love
That’s everything
In this tired worldGrab Me
It’s one thirty o clock in the morning
Woke up late last night
If that isn’t right
To start the blues bar
Then the sorry girls are winning the fightFeeling mighty high and low
Just like I did some crooked lines
Funny because I’m clean and dry
Never needed any joy juice to get highI play in a cool smart rock n roll band
It’s like the only thing that makes it go round
Been everywhere but the big time lover
Somewhere this ruby yacht ran agroundGrab me by my fingertips and take me off this page
Dance me to the ground it’s lover-ly
How lots of chocolates can mystify the mage
I’m not about to shake my cage
Losing my mind with the daily wageI get home early, shut off my head
And fire all my synapse slaves
It’s pleasant and even mildly euphoric
Oh these after-burner polychrome wavesRise up with the sorry sunlight
That bleeds all over the floor
The shadows shrink as I pour my first drink
It’s a Boost in the mug with no happy encoreGrab me by my fingertips and take me off this ride
Dance me to the ceiling it’s lover-ly
How honest work can crucify my pride
I’m just about to set aside
A modicum of love and a paisa-worth of bromideSurrender
Stepping over, stepping light
I’ll discover, I don’t need to fight
The mantras chanted, the rite complete
There’re only ashes at my feet
It’s out of my hands nowI’ll hand over, I’ll let go
What’s forever, I’ll never know
Give it all up, give it away
Don’t take it back, that’s what they say
And it’s out of my hands nowWorry, it’s scary
Too much care
Losing my hair
Trying to prepare
For something I can’t see or hear or smell or even know…
There’s only now
Only this note
Only this moment, take a bow
Or should I surrenderIs there chaos, is there a plan
Random patterns for every man
Invisible wires and a safety net
Or only freefall space cadets, freefall
And gravity always winsI know the G word, I know it well
They say it’ll keep me for going to hell
Whatever works, makes you content
Lets you deal with how insignificant, you are, we are, we all are
And suddenly we’re goneWorry, it’s scary
Too much care
Losing my hair
Trying to prepare
For something I can’t see or hear or smell or even know
There’s only now
Only this note
Only this moment, take a bow
Should I surrender
Amused to death II
and the muslims bomb the hindus
and the hindus burn down churches
and the clergy abuses little boys
and little boys gun down classmates in school
and music’s gone unmanned to the moon
Bangalore could do with some GURU!
For years India has been exporting its finest and richest spiritual resources to the west in the form of the “GURU” or GYOOORU JI.
Its payback time folks!
The Maharishi Guruji of TAAQ, Gurudarshan Somayajee will touch down in Bengalooru BIAL Airportu back from Scotland Glasgow early next week.
Guru, for those who dont know, is the Acid of the Battery of the Lamborghini that’s gonna burn down the rock scene in India, and this time around he promises to deliver Bangalore and the rest of India with the purest unadulterated and orthodox Glaswegian treatment.
Welcome home dug
this is Pure dead brilliant !!
New pics up..
Hari Adivarekar sent us some stunning pics from a recent gig. This man has really evolved into a serious photographer… His blog has some really cool stuff as well.
You can check the rest of ‘em out on of course…
So which Category do you rock in?
I was surprised when some posts from CEPT came in that implied there are Categories (A,B,C,D) of bands in India. I’ve heard this “categorization of bands” term being sheepishly used here and there, but could never find out more about it. Is there a group or body that decides, publishes and maintains this categorization of Indian Bands?
The CEPT guys seem to know about it and know exactly how to give different treatment based on which category a band belongs to. And just to be truly Indian, (and to uphold our inherent classist nature) if you happen to be a “C” category band then the norm will be – “don’t pay the band, or make them beg real hard for it, given them bad sound, threaten them, discriminate” Basically pretty much what’s done to any minority in this country. What bullshit I say! We can’t let this happen in the Rock Music scene.
Real rock bands in India are a precious minority. I’m talking of real bands, i.e. bands that mean what they sing about, and have fun, and are not in it only for the categorizations, ratings, font size, radio, video, mobile publicity etc etc. I’m talking of Bands that do it cos they trip on music. In our 11 years we have experienced and been through various supposed categorizations. We’ve played to audience of 4 people to 40,000 people. We’ve seen great bands break-up, some shitty bands become real BIG, some old folks re-forming and brand new kids… green and getting into the scene.
So i do understand that some sort of classification is required at a certain level but its not difficult to give equal basic respectful treatment to all. Sometimes I feel its done intentionally to clearly peg you as some lower class. It’s that same dignity of labor issue we struggle with so much in this country. You just can’t show respect to anyone who is lower down in the system, not because you cant, you apparently shouldn’t, sadly that’s the culture.
This is not about how much money you get or don’t get for a gig, its about respect and dignity in what one does. In India, asking someone for what was originally promised means you are showing bad attitude. It’s such a shame. Take shit or else you are labeled an arrogant person, or you are labeled as having a Bad Attitude. Somehow its not a very appealing thing for us to do. This “taking shit” business.
In 1997/98 when we decided we will play only original music, we got loads of flack from event organizers, college unions etc saying that we have too much arrogance and attitude blah blah blah. At that point we lost so many big gigs from the most reputed and high ranking colleges in the country simply because we only wanted to play originals and wouldn’t play a set of covers they demanded. Today all that has changed and we all know how cool it is to be original and have a distinct sound that you can call your own.
Now when we speak out against bands being taken for granted, “surprise surprise” what happens? we are given the same “Bad attitude” crap, blah blah. Some clients pay well, on the other hand a few have run away without paying us, like the CEPT College Ahmedabad Students Union/Organizing Committee 2008. Ok so college kids screw up at times… But there are some grown-ups who are part of this illustrious list of organizers who promptly and consistently disappear when it comes to payment time. While I am happy that there are fewer of these types around these days, this blog post is for those who are still around alive and kicking.
For example, there’s this self-styled boss of a music management outfit that isn’t satisfied with the noise levels that Indian rock is producing – he wants it louder, much louder. He, along with this other cool founding father of all Indian rock festivals Big-Daddy-Mumbai-Music-Boss (no, not Bappi Lahari..that’s different) took more than 4 months to pay us a piddly 10K for the opening act we did for Jethro Tull in Bangalore. It wasn’t about not having the 10K to give us. It was purely about one thing, and that is to see how much we beg for it… it’s all about “Kissing Ass”. The prospect of a true counter culture, where Bands get paid upfront is not looking very good today, but my eternal optimism and positive attitude drives me to believe that at least 10 years down the line it won’t be a “BAD” thing for a band to ask for its dues, however small or big the amount may be. And I’m glad that today we have Blogs and forums where we can honestly express and put down facts.
The inherent freedom-of-expression and irreverence that ROCK MUSIC is all about, is probably the reason some organizers think they can take rock bands for granted. I think this freedom of expression needs to be the reason why nobody messes with Rock Bands. We know how to tell it like it is, and maybe write a song or two about it.
I wonder who categorizes BANDs in India. And the A B C thing reminds me of something, Check this out… this was reported in the News some time back about how the English alphabet was being taught in text books in some parts of the country,
A for Seb
B for Munda
C for Billi
D for Kutta
So yeh A B C D category band kya hai bhaiyya..kisne kiya yeh catergoreezationSuddenly Rock in India has supposedly become BIG, and there’s arguably a high potential to make big bucks in India through this irreverent western Rock Culture. Suddenly we see Bollywood stars, event guys, AD guys, Mallu’s, Gujju bhai’s, Narendra Modi (oops
), almost everyone scampering to be a part of the Rock scene. It’s like the Y2K business opportunity that came up almost 10 years back.
Talking of Y2K reminds me – Millenium is back! Aaaawesomeeee dude. More Power to them! Now can we have Rock Machine, Juravi, Lucid Dreams and MD’s (Old Bangalore band) and W.A.R.D.E.N reform please? I do miss the real indian rock stars of the past.
Anyways back to categorizations and treatments administered onto Indian Bands today. It’s like we have some disease and will be given treatment accordingly. Category C band must be “Constipated” and category H must have Herpes, …..HERPEES !!! take them to the herpes ward immediately … Category H band plays only in the Herpes Ward …….. send them to the Herpes ward right now, no more festivals for them… and that’s an order … from the Mogambo’s of Indian Rock….
tche maangatholee!
It was great to play, and later hang around at what I believe was the BEST ROCK FESTIVAL ever that this country has seen so far.
Machine Head and Megadeth do not act or pretend to be something they are not. They are the real thing. Through the kind of music that they defined thousands of miles away, they came here to our backyard and got an arena full of people chanting out their tunes. The energy was magnificent. Great lessons and inspiration for all metal bands in India. Power to Heavy Metal music and I hope our own metal warriors in India sweat out some bullets and start making a big mark internationally.
Overall the “Rock in India” festival was simply superb.
Thank you DNA Networks for showing India what a “REAL” festival should be like. Hope to see more soon… AC/DC and Metallica for starters. -
Bijoy Venugopal and PG Santhosh
What you read and understand about a band and what you experience while doing business with a Band are as important if not more important than the stuff we musicians do on stage.
2 people who have been our friends well before we knew how to hold our instruments (both private and public
) are Bijoy Venugopal and PG Santhosh.
Bijoy has been the voice of TAAQ on all versions of our web site and if not for him we would come across as a very very different band today. Even though the writers strike did affect TAAQ over the past few months (as you might have noticed by the screaming silence on our website) it was worth the wait. TAAQ would never be what it is today without Copy as written by Bijoy. The pictures he painted of us with his magical words drove so many people from various continents to this band – Thanks Bijoy. On this version of our web site and on every other past version, you have truly made us feel special.
And PG Santhosh, we would never have the bank balance to have all the fun we are having today without the support of this person. Its difficult dealing any business/work between friends, and when it’s something that we all are so passionate about, it gets infinitely more painful and heart wrenching. PG man has had the toughest job trying to balance this crazy game of selling us but yet not selling us out. It’s the worst position for any sales and marketing person to be in. Thanks PG for all the help.
Both these guys now have their own real Babies to nurture and protect and love and enjoy. (And someday enlist into TAAQ as Roadies
While TAAQ does feels like the older baby suddenly having to grow up on its own, the early days of any band are always the best remembered ones and these 2 guys were the real driving force behind TAAQ’s first 11 years. Thanks bros and im sure there is a lot more to come once the babies can take care of their own shitAnd now that i have finished my grammy speech, ill shutterclose before it gets more senty and then ill have to get belted by you’ll when we meet up next.
But i just had to do this now.
PG and Sumi (cant find solo pic anymore)
Lots of love,