One day, I’m going to get Mr. Umesh to round up all the roadies and take a group pic (with slates hanging down from their necks, of course). And then interview them to find out what they think about being TAAQ roadies, or whether they have ceased to think altogether.
But we know it’s not an easy life. Here’s Slickthief’s account:
Just when you think everyone’s happy and having a nice time, mizter Rzhude would place his demand for stuffed turkey and roast duck calmly on the table at seven in the morning. Every nut and guitar pick would have to be accounted for. I’d have to keep pesky irritating egoistice (sic) photographers out of the band’s face. Then make a scene with rascal waiters who make a break through stage to fetch some beer and make a scene again when they return. What fun!
And you thought roadies were starry-eyed…