The 'Chainese Item' controversy
Last week, we received some hate mail. Someone called Radical Zomi (aka Chink King) wrote in to say:
Um… it’s the ‘item’ that got his goat. He thought it was a jibe against Chinese ladies. Obviously, his erudite diction gives away the fact that the song was a little too lofty for his comprehension.What ever your intention is with the Lyrics(Chainese Item/maal) u fucking racist. U can’t never be another Salman Rushdie or Dan Brown. Why don’t u come out clean and change the name to Chinky Maal. I wish these are ur last album that sinked without notice. Pls don’t spread racism among the rock/music community, we have enough of you already.
For the lexically challenged, maybe we should issue a special edition of the TAAQ Dictionary of Common Vocabularity Items.
The GasGlow Weekend!
Aight people,
What a weekend this has been. Woke up friday still reeling from the performance at the 13th note. Unfortunately, these boys are still stuck in the Indian clock and wake up atleast 10 hours earlier than I do! Shucks! Anyways, late night jam sessions, wine, scotch, beer, guinness and diesels, south Indian cuisine, and general patter is as much as we can handle now. Do check out the Video link posted below! That was one havoc night of fun and hasn’t stopped since! Also, do check out pictures at www.bangalorerock.com.
The pics are up!
Pics from the TAAQ gig at the Barfly are up on our website.
The Glasgow Video Diaries – Part 1
Right, I shall shut up here! The Glasgow Video Diaries. Mad Jam’s from twilight to dusk, if one exists here!
More to follow.Guzuru
the bigtime
‘we rocked it bigtime tonight bro
spanked the empire silly’
Rajeev’s text came in early this morning as I boarded the space(d) shuttle to work. Over chat, he later told me the gig at The 13th Note was really special. He, Rzu and David are lodged at Guru’s pad, while Bruce and Tony have been accommodated in some place that can hold both of them, unfolded.
And the grapevine has it that Bru has finally found his poison — a local beer named… well, we’ll leave that to him.
We’re putting out pictures soon. If you want to be the first to know, sign up for our newsletter, ThermalAndAQuarterly. Scroll down this page for the opt-in form.
Stick around.
- Beej
Iceland and India in Scotland! – Part 1
What a gig this was. I think, all the hardwork, sleepless nights getting here, the mad flight connections, taxi’s, luggage and gear and hundereds of worries has been washed away with this one gig!
Supported by the really amazing Icelandic Instrumental band call The Attack of the Penguins, I loved this band. I think I’ll make it a point to go see their gigs in Glasgow again. Some awesome music!
Am too bloody sleepy now, THe rest in Part 2
They Came, they rocked, they got smashed!
Awesome gig awesome gig awesome gig. Got lost, ate some “illegal” burger, life’s good!
TAAQ landed safely and are currently in good spirits, or so I hear! They are “Freezing their b***s off,” I hear. Common, it’s the summer!- anyways, case closed, they don’t want to believe!
Bruce is down with a sniffle. A drink or two should set him straight, but errrrmmmm, its Meeestah Bruze. The last time, it took him some coaxing!
This evening Mr. San Pats and me went on a Poster-athon. The idea is stiff competition with people who have careers as “poster posters,” well, atleast thats the designated job title, anyways, started with our good ol can’o Tennents. I am quite sure will get some folk hooked on this beer! Anyways, one beer, some shambo and roti, badanekayee curry, the final result – About 60 posters covered in two hours, and a mile and something on foot!
P.S: WElcome to Guzuru’s blurb, and I can talk for aeons!
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