Kickbackistan, official anthem of Uncommon Wealth!
With the usual avalanche of skeletons tumbling out of the cupboards of CWG honchos, and whispers of a new betting scam among the boys next door, it was just another day in the Commonwealth. Or so we thought. Until Mr. A. R. Rahman, one of our most felicitated artists, unveiled the official anthem of the Games.
Hear, hear!
And what’s the official sport? Taekwondo? Har har har! Or Sepak Takraw! Hyuk hyuk hyuk!
No offence intended, really. Please take that sportingly… hehehe!
Here, in the slick, smoky kitchens of Kickbackistan, another kettle of fish has been simmering quietly — and powerfully. The scent trail leads to YouTube, where Thermal And A Quarter has proudly announced the release of the official anthem of Uncommon Wealth: Kickbackistan.
Yours to listen to, yours to sing along to, but not yet yours to download. That we’ve saved for later. Start salting away your funny money to pay up on the big day. Under the table, of course!
And one more thing, this isn’t the OFFICIAL music video. Patience, patience!
Let the games begin! Let the shame begin! Kickbackistan!
Learn up your lines and sing along (swalpa khara okay?). There’s a lot of action to come.
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