Buying a New Axe…
Got this for the Dr. recently:
“Hey, I saw you guys at mood indigo 07 and it was an awesome experience!had..ahem..never heard of you till then but since , ive bin going TAAAAAQ TAAAQ TAAAAAAQ to all my friends. Anyhoo, the diddly-o is this..im going to (finally) learn how to play the guitar. I think i`m committed enough, yada yada.I really really want to. Now since this is a big deal for me, I want to make sure I buy the first guitar right. An acoustic. I`ve been saving up for this. Umm about 5K :p ADVICE PLEASE!I live in mumbai by the way.so if you recommend any shops here (other than furtados) /brands/what I should look for etc. ALSO my friends who DO play the guitar tell me I have peasant hands, they have long fingers, hence I should not pick up string instruments cuz I wont go too far. >_<. what do you say?as in my friends have long fingers. I have short ones.” – Sagar
Sagar – first, don’t worry about ‘peasant’ fingers! You’ll probably fret y0ur first barre chord (usually an ‘F’, so you can tell your long-digited pals to ‘F’ off!) with surprising ease. Those long slender arty fingers usually struggle for weeks to get past the ‘pttthh’s, ‘pptthhhonk’s and ‘dongrlefraagle’s.
About buying a new acoustic: I’ve been thinking about putting a small video together on what to check for – that way I hope to answer yours and many other queries along similar lines. Will get around to that pretty soon I guess. If you’ve never played before, it helps to take along someone who can, when you go shopping.
Let’s try getting that vid up…
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